Youth Ski Team

Huff Hills Ski Area Race Team

Youth Ski Racing Team Designed to Develop Highly Skilled, Lifelong Skiers

The Huff Hills Ski Racing Team is excited to be entering its third season! If you are interested in joining the team, please see the information below and complete the online registration for each child and submit a complete payment prior to starting.  Additional team information can be found using the Facebook icon below.

Thank you to our premier 2024-2025 Sponsors!


Nov 5 - 6:00PM

Location: Bismarck Public Library - Room A (Basement)

Informal Equipment Swap/Sale to Follow Meeting

Important Team Information

All Ages: Must be able to safely and independently load/unload/ride all surface and chair lifts. Helmets and goggles must be worn by all participants. The racing team does not currently have a “learn to ski” program and all participants must have some prior skiing experience. Program fees do not include lift tickets or equipment rentals. 

Youth Ski Team Program Levels

“Green Circle” Group – Children starting this group must be capable of confidently skiing a green run while utilizing a snowplow position to safely make turns in both directions, control speed, and stop. This group will focus less on ski racing, and more on skiing technique fundamentals.  A parent/guardian must accompany or be physically available at all times during practice/events.  If child is unable to independently ride chair lifts, a parent/guardian must accompany them on skis/snowboard. (estimated* ages 5-7)

“Blue Square” Group – Children in this group should be starting to parallel ski on green and some blue runs with linked turns to control speed. (estimated* ages 8-11)

“Black Diamond” Group – Participants should have the ability to safely ski parallel on more advanced runs at higher rates of speed. More emphasis on racing techniques and strategies. (estimated* ages 12+)

*Ages are estimated, please use participant skill level to properly select group. Participants may need to be moved up or down groups to ensure safety and proper skill development.


This program will not require any special “race specific” ski equipment. Modern ski equipment that properly fits your kid and is comfortable will allow them to participate. "Green Circle" participants will not be allowed to use ski poles.  As older participants begin more race specific training, optional equipment includes shin, chin, hand, and back protection.

2024-2025 Team Pricing*
Green Circle - $170
Blue Square - $265
Black Diamond - $265

*Team fees will not be prorated for missed practices and refunds will not be provided after the season begins.


The youth race team relies heavily on volunteering from parent/guardian to make the program and events run successfully. Many opportunities exist both on and off the slopes to support the kids and coaches.  Please watch all program communications for details surround support needs for all practices/events.


We want to sincerely thank our team sponsors for their partnership in making our program a success!!

Weather Policy

Huff Hills Racing Team will practice as long as Huff Hills Ski Area is operating. Huff Hills Ski Area will generally not operate lifts in winds greater than 30 MPH, or in temperatures less than -15F. Parents know their child best, and we respect each parent’s individual decision whether their child attends. Please watch for parent communications if the weather is in question before a scheduled practice.

2024-2025 Team Practice and Race Schedule

Subject to change at any time due to weather or other operational considerations.

All team scheduling is now being run through the TeamSnap platform.  Please contact a team administrator for more details.

​Ski team members will also have optional gate training practices throughout the season. These optional gate practices will not have structured coaching or supervision.  In the event of a practice needing to be rescheduled, the next gate practice date is the most likely next alternative (pending coaching availability).  Given the unknown variability of weather and operational considerations, there is no minimum number of coached ski team practices/events guaranteed throughout the season.  If any participant is asked is required to cease participation during a practice or event due to disciplinary actions or not adhering to program policies, refunds will not be issued.

If evening or night ski racing practices are added, additional/optional session fees may be required.

Huff Hills Ski Race Team Registration

2024-2025 registration will take place through the TeamSnap platform.  Participant fees are still paid on the Huff Hills website.

Registration will be live starting at 8:00pm on Nov 6.

Link to register:

After registering each participant, please use the online payment options below.  Registration will be limited to 80 participants unless we can arrange for additional coaching to support higher enrollment. 

Link to pay team fees (must register first):

TeamSnap - Parent Communications

Parents will be able to access team schedules and other important information using TeamSnap's  mobile app or website.  Please make sure parents/guardians are checking the TeamSnap platform for important updates.

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